当前位置: 主页 > 图书 新供给主义经济学(英文)


作者: 滕泰浏览次数:


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Foreword I

Foreword I



Addressing a State Council Seminar

Chapter I New Supply Creates New Demand

I. Supply Meets Demand in the Old Market and Creates Demand

II. New Supply Creates New Demand

Chapter II Growth Model of New Supply Economics

I. Five Wealth Sources: Preconditions, Factors, and Driving

II. Supply-side Growth Models

III. Potential Economic Growth Driven by New Supply

Chapter III Changes in the Supply Structure Behind Economic

I. Different Endogenous Economic Cycle Theories

II. Supply Structure Changes Behind Economic Cycles

Chapter IV Reforming and Upgrading Supply Structure

I. Replacement of Ageing Supply by New Supply

II. Proper Role of Government in Supply Structural Transitio

Chapter V Deregulation: Removing Supply Constraints from Adm

Chapter VI Tax Cuts: Removing the Supply Constraints of High

Chapter VII Breaking Up AdministrativeMonopoly: Removing Con

Chapter VIII Removing Constraints on Factor Supply

I. New Dividends: Removing Factor Supply Constraints

II. How to Remove Constraints on Labor Supply

III. How to Remove Constraints on Capital Supply

IV. How to Remove Constraints on Land Supply

Chapter IX Removing Constraints on Technology Supply

I. New Dividends Through Removing Technology Supply Constrai

II. How to Remove Constraints on Technology Supply

Chapter X Removing Constraints on Institutional Changes

I. New Dividends by Removing Constraints on Institutional Ch

II. How to Remove Constraints on Institutional Changes

Chapter XI Supply Shocks on Price Fluctuations

I. Supply Shock: The Impact of Raw Material Costs on Prices

II. Supply Shock: The Impact of Labor Costs on Prices

III. Impact of Supply Cycle – Price Changes in Agricultural

IV. Impact of Supply Structure Upgrade and Other Factors on

V. Price Control Policies of New Supply Economics

Chapter XII Income Distribution Based on Supply-side Contrib

I. Income Distribution Based on Supply-side Contributions

II. Income Distribution Based on Factor Costs and Scarcity

III. An Income Distribution Mode Balancing Efficiency and Eq


广告位: 260PX-250PX

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